Sketchy. Skeptical of boob angle. Who's Riley? I like her.
Sketchy. Skeptical of boob angle. Who's Riley? I like her.
She's from a comic called Down Lovable Content. I was trying to do a lower angle and kinda failed again.
Water looks fine from here.
Thanks I might do more like this.
Why not just 'brain storm' or 'spark notes' for an attack? Won't somebody catch her? Also, is this set in a universe where people just have powers or just her?
-She thinks it's a cool name but then again, most of her attacks have horrible names
-Many tried but she would usually hospitalize her persuers as a warning to back off, or just punch them in the face to knock em out
-She isn't the only one with powers but there are others like her, they just rather stay hidden so "He" won't find them and "experiment" on them
I like her; good to know you didn't drop her like a forgotten idea.
Thanks, I get what you mean, I'm actually planning on making more drawings of her :3
Interesting...I've always anything with a punk/rock/goth kind of vibe.
I'm happy you liked it! It's one of my favorites =>
Donna's on the prowl...
I think so.... :P
Doesn't think so to what? Her figure or the bikini? The mirror? If that is a mirror reflecting her why is it red and shouldn't the reflection be red also?
It's about the bikini, that's a song that talk about it... Hummm I don't care about logical things when I'm drawing, so I feel like the reflection needed to be normal but something behind her would be red... crazy han? kkkkkkkkk
I appreciate the left stance but prefer the right pose, y'know?
cool! Thank u for let me know!
Though perhaps ever so slightly off, I enjoy the jaw.
Thank u! I will remember that!!
Donna who? A distant allure of a lonely girl perhaps?
Or is she just a pretender? What would you want to know about her next? I will post more about her soon too
Age 29
Joined on 2/13/14