I'm sure they can bearly contain themselves
I'm sure they can bearly contain themselves
Oh I see what you did there
The name makes me think of Lina Inverse from that one thing
She's cool, but it's not her :D
I really feel like backgrounds are your forte, even more so than characters perhaps which you also do fabulously
Thank you! It takes tremendous amount of time, so I prefer making characters (less work), yea I'm lazy
I love every feeling this image conveys~
I'm happy for you and myself who made it :D
That is a day I continue to await if it has not arrived as of yet this writing; may we have a preview of what she's about? Galactic crusader, perhaps?
Sorry to keep you waiting, we are working on it! She's a military organization's leader ;)
Okay, just so I have the record straight, would you say works fall in the general canon of fantasy or science-fiction (gives off a untouchable ethereal vibe, y'know?)
Techno-fantasy, it's magic with weapons and a bit of science involved ;)
Where did she come from? Where is she going?
Probably some very important errand!
Is that a specific kind of black tea or just black tea in general
As black as night!
A delectable debut, mon ami! Tres bien! (this one came out swinging~)
Thank you~
Can't be too green with a body like that if you know what I mean
Age 29
Joined on 2/13/14