Hard to go wrong with Gundam
Hard to go wrong with Gundam
The OG
Love it
Thank you! =)
Dang, good job. Krita continues to kick my butt, it's our dynamic at this point.
It's a leap to get into Krita, especially coming from Photoshop but hey Krita hasn't crashed on me yet.
3 was the height of the series narritively speaking, 6 the gameplay; thank you for rekindling such pleasant memories.
Thank you so much! ^^
idk i thought that was marino from mega man for a second there; looking grand~
It's so good
how much do they lift?
at least 200 pounds
saw it first on twitter but it looks good anywhere (bit of a fan of pixel art)~
Thank you!! :D
Fair, it's very fitting and I like it.
Thank you!!
That is a good word to explain their arts. Perhaps because she was designed specifically for animation, the original ZONE-tan was drawn with really clear and rational lines. This time, I focused on their philosophy.
I was groggy when browsing and DID think this was Hatsune Miku until I took a closer look at the title; nostalgia blast--right on all fronts. I was personally more partial to Mira Fermin in general, especially to pair with Dan for whatever reason (kind of found Runo immature like Misty maybe but that bond was already sort of set-up from the start in a sense thought I've yet to see that come to fruition in Pokemon I think). That reboot or remake or whatever is NOT my Bakugan (I don't know what the hell that is, didn't see it, refuse to like how I dropped the Yugi-oh series after 5Ds. Maybe I should've dropped it earlier? Heard and glimpsed it's too ridiculous now.).
Mira Fermin was the bomb, dude
Age 29
Joined on 2/13/14