i like the hair style
i like the hair style
Thank you >w<
Quite true.
This is just silly and whimsical and I like it.
It was a fun design to make. Especially since its different from her original design
What's this one's story?
Don't have one
Beautiful indeed.
Thank you >w<
u really like chel dont u?
Did a couple sketches of her a little while back finally finished them up that's all. She's fun to draw tho.
How do you like it? Krita.
Im still figuring it out. I like the symmetry tool, the version of photoshop i use doesnt have it so it was cool to use it. I like that the brushes are pretty simple and easy to use. I really like sketching with it so far
I see....Those are some high pants, is she a teacher? She could teach me anytime.
Honestly same.
done with vectors as well?
the lineart was done with the pen tool but this isn't vectors as a whole
wait, what treatment?
Well I saw the same bug from fallout 4 in fallout 76 they should have notice that and fix it but i cant complain its still new but they did improve somethings and the nuka dark rum and also the bag problem but like I said overall I'm okay, a little disappointed but okay.
Age 29
Joined on 2/13/14