what is worst world
what is worst world
a comic from Bryan Lee O Malley, the Scott Pilgrim guy
we are immortal...we are legion
genuinely humorous and sexy
I like that combo. thank you!
adore the pose, expression and especially color scheme
Thankye thankye thankye.
reminds me of something
What exactly?
Perfect for a comic I'm working on...mind if I steal it? :3
Well, no, but it would be good if you could change it a little bit :)!
why doesn't she actually wear the sweater in canon?
I think capcom want to show her sexy blue boobtube - - /
That's correct
Should they bring it back?
Uhhh no? I think it was a product of it's time, and although it'd be nice to see something like that especially with today's cg, the likeliness of it happening, the willingness of the higher ups to let it happen, the amount of people that remember it... I think it's safe to say it won't happen at all. On top of that for where CN is right now it'd be a huge back step. BUT, I highly encourage more art by other artists. The art in the show was fun and there's plenty of characters to play with.
can we be friends?
sure ^+^
Age 29
Joined on 2/13/14