Was that a virgin/Virgo joke?
Was that a virgin/Virgo joke?
It's so much cool, brah.
Thanks :)
Aside from a little polish for later works, I like it! (For now) Do more, the samurai elf goddess demands it.
I like it; when can we (if at all) expect more pieces from in the upcoming quarter?
Who does, am I right?
I HATE spiders (even though they only six/6 visible legs but I respect your level of skill anyway).
I used references of Don't Starve spiders. That's why I gave them 6 legs. I recommend that you have a look online or that you play the game. Perhaps it will also help you get over your fear of spiders. :)
21 is life...
What, for a day??
be her valentines
Age 29
Joined on 2/13/14