That must've been some damn great (if pretty hot) soup; chicken noodle's my favorite.
That must've been some damn great (if pretty hot) soup; chicken noodle's my favorite.
I really like this one as I find it an especially creative concept even if done before, it's one I see seldom if ever in other work of any artist or origin; limbs could use a bit of balance though I do recognize this is an earlier work which I still greatly appreciate and the fact you are still a developing artist. Keep up the sexy work (at your leisure)
these legions of legs go on for days~ (+bad@$$ design)
I take it that's their 'implement of justice' rather than a nightstick/baton like the previous
Probably the first thing I noticed (but did they notice my noticing? hmmm...-_-/>.>)
That's a badge of horny honor right there, wear with pride~
Female Gallade is such a babe~ (reminds me of an oc of mine)
I love this, boob-tastic
Even sweeter~
Age 29
Joined on 2/13/14