never played and quite seldom heard of it (kinda forgetting it exists occasionally) but damn do i still love this piece~
never played and quite seldom heard of it (kinda forgetting it exists occasionally) but damn do i still love this piece~
I second it, @Akuma-shinKenjiro ; only thing that comes to mind for me is Wanda because of the wwwwwwwavy hair (meaning wanderer I think, and not all who wander are lost ya see?)
Thank you very much. I really needed this today as I'm sure others have. I hope you get what you need too (sooner or later).
Home made is best
I'll take your entire stock
Wow, we're really on a roll with all this mega love my man~
I hate dime-a-dozen @$$holes like this; cool comic though, A+ (I'm curious to see where this leads)
why so tired?
maybe I am give myself too much uneasy
thank you ask me this question
i feel much better :3
Mega-(E)Tanks for days please let em spray~
Funny gif by the way
looks pretty nice for what can be seen
Age 29
Joined on 2/13/14